"Good taste is the death of art." Truman Capote

"Good taste is the death of art."  Truman Capote
Check in at The Cirrhosis Motel with your host, freelance literary loiterer and epicure, Dennis McBride

photo by John Hogl

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Party Directions

If the people you are sitting with begin to talk,
do not become alarmed, remain seated, allow yourself to listen.
If you hear “relevant,” “obsolete,” “bilateral,” or “deficit,”
start to breathe slowly from your abdomen.
If they mention “revenue,” “percentages,” “mainstream,” or “cost benefit analysis,”
begin to number your breaths from one to ten--and then begin again.
If they come to “cognizant,” “negotiate,” “timeframe,” or “priority,”
rise slowly as though you need to stretch,
glance casually at your watch and excuse yourself.
Then find the other people,
saying “Autumn,” “Tree,” “River,” “Wind.”

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