"Good taste is the death of art." Truman Capote

"Good taste is the death of art."  Truman Capote
Check in at The Cirrhosis Motel with your host, freelance literary loiterer and epicure, Dennis McBride

photo by John Hogl

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Rain, rain,
softly falling rain.
Strong rain, friendly rain,
serious rain, sideways rain,
September rain, October rain,
November rain, sentimental rain,
yellow raincoat rain, falling red leaves rain,
trolls under the bridge rain, wet sloshy earth rain,
lazy rain, busy rain, call in sick rain, stay in bed rain,
don’t go outside rain, let go rain, there is no hurry rain, do
nothing rain, have a shot of apricot brandy in morning coffee rain,
hold your sleeping cat rain, read book rain, watch Perry Mason rain,
think of others working rain, laugh rain, sing rain, make hot-soup lunch
rain, smoke tobacco rain, laugh at death rain, tell the truth rain, tell others
how you would never want to be stuck in an elevator with T.S. Eliot rain,
tell truthful lies rain, tell why you want to shoot the mayor rain, enjoy all of
your mental illness rain, invite someone soft over rain, whisper together rain,
look deep into each others eyes rain, I remove your blouse rain, you take off my
shirt rain, I kiss your soft lips rain, you put my hands on your breasts rain, I lower
your skirt rain, you unzip my pants rain, we lay down rain, release rain, lovely rain.

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